Be sure to install your sod on the same day it’s delivered. Begin by laying the sod lengthwise along a straight edge, such as a walkway or driveway. Joints should be butted tightly together, but not overlapping. Stagger the sod pieces similar to a row of bricks. You will need to use a sharp knife or machete to cut around curves or sprinkler heads. Avoid small pieces, especially along the perimeter of your yard. Cutting larger pieces ensures that there is enough of a root base for your grass to thrive.
Begin lightly hand watering as you go throughout the installation process. It is imperative to keep the sod moist. This will prevent wilting and drying the delicate roots. Once all sod has been installed, water lightly and then roll your newly installed sod once again to ensure a level surface and to press out any air pockets.
Newly installed sod should be kept consistently wet for the first 7-10 days. However, do not let water puddle. Average watering time is 5 to 10 minutes, 4-6 times per day. Water application rates vary greatly among sprinkler brands and you will need to adjust this recommendation according to your situation.
If you notice water beginning to puddle, we advise decreasing the watering time and increasing the watering frequency.
Once your sod grass is established, we recommend watering 2 to 3 times per week for 10 to 45 minutes. Early morning watering is best.
To maintain your new sod grass lawn you should begin mowing no sooner than 2 weeks after installation. Mow frequently enough that you remove no more than 1/3" of the height of the grass.
Fertilizing every 30 to 60 days is an important key to a healthy lawn. Use a fertilizer with high nitrogen, medium phosphorous, and medium potassium such as 15-5-10.